
Worldwide, schools invest thousands of study hours in the instruction of mathematics, science and languages, but fail to provide young people with the skills to comprehend and process the material they are taught. Also, they have to develop a series of fundamental (basic & horizontal) skills (2006/962/European Parliament), to contribute effectively in the workplace and public life.

The innovation of our Centre lies in that we have outlined both the skills and their development strategies, which are considered necessary, first, for the school lessons and, later, in adult life of children. We believe, namely, that early, systematic training of children in the thinking process or reasoning, in self-controlling their behavior and emotions, in identifying, organizing and comprehending information, in choosing appropriate strategies, but also in the predicting process, planning or problem solving, can maximize their existing potential to learn independently, intelligently, selectively and efficiently, thus they will enjoy learning.

Our educational programs and activities were selected and adjusted to each age upon:

  • the primary and secondary curriculum standards in Greece and abroad
  • the latest PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS results for the development of 'Literacy'
  • the latest neuroscience data for the plasticity and the cognitive capacity of human brain
  • the research findings of Educational Studies and Educational Psychology
  • the adequacy and efficiency of the offering programs